Delias hyparete - the Painted Jezebel
Linnaeus 1758 green.png

Delias hyparete Thailand Painted Jezebel
Delias hyparete metarete
31 XII 2014, Koh PhiPhi Don, Thailand
Picture by O. Pequin

Subspecies and range of Delias hyparete :

. hyparete Linnaeus 1758 - Java, Madura Is., Kangean Is., Bawean Is., Bali, Lombok

hierta Hübner 1818 - South China, Hong Kong

luzonensis Felder 1862 - Luzon, Taiwan, Mindoro, Marindugue, Sibuyan, Polilio, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Panay, Samar, Leyte, Panaon Is.

mindanaensis Mitis 1893 - Mindanao

haemorrhea Snellen van Vollenhoven 1865 - Bangka island.

indica Wallace 1867 - Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hainan, Yunnan

metarete Butler 1879 - Malay Peninsular, Andaman Is., S. Thailand

niasana Kheil 1884 - Nias & Banyak islands

ethire Doherty 1886 - South India

lucina Distant & Pryer 1887 - Jolo & Sulu islands

palawanica Staudinger 1889 - Palawan, Calamian island

aurago Snellen 1890 - Belitung island

. hypopelia Hagen 1898 - Sipora island

diva Fruhstorfer 1899 -  Borneo, Laut & Karimata islands

jakata Fruhstorfer 1906 - Batu island

despoliata Fruhstorfer 1910 - Sumatra

domorana Fruhstorfer 1911 - Domoran island

isawae Nakano 1987 - Anambas, Singkep & Lingga islands

. itohi Nakano 1993 - Simeulue island

melville Yagishita 1993 - Balabac island



As there are dozens of Delias hyparete subspecies, they will be added later once the website new version is finished.


Notes on Delias hyparete :

One of the best known and most diverse species of Delias. It has the largest distribution area and is common in most of its forms.
Although most forms have the red submarginal spots, though some, such as aurago and hypopelia have these replaced with yellow. The number of these spots also vary considerably. Also yellow forms of other subspecies have been found.


Delias hyparete caterpillar :

Delias hyparete caterpillars are gregarious and can be found on various host plants. When threatened by ants or other insects, they have the ability to throw themselves at the end of a silk thread. They move up the thread later once the threat has passed. This makes it possible to take "aerial" pictures of these caterpillars, as you can see below. 


Delias hyparete metarete caterpillar
Koh PhiPhi Don, Thailand, 28 XII 2014
Picture by O. Pequin